Under the impact of pioneer art in modern times, it seems that the academic education has been greatly influenced.
Recently, I was extremely astonished by those paintings in the 2007 graduates’ outstanding works exhibition of Oil Painting Department, among which the work Exhaustion of Life and Death appalled me strongly. When I entered the gallery, five large animal furs were stretched on the front war which occupied the whole wall and there was the painting depicting them just hung on the bottom of the wall. Although it is not bloody scene, it still gives you such a great shock that you do not know whether you are watching the pioneer art in 798 Gallery or appreciating the outstanding works by the graduate of the China Central Academy of Fine Art.
What is the main style of the academic art works nowadays? Should we closely follow the tide of pioneer art all over the society? This is one of the most important problems that the art institutions are facing and the problem that should be seriously considered by the administrators, staff and the students of the art institutions.
At present, we are in the background of advocating the environment and wild-animal protection for the harmonious society in China. Art creation is not only the individual hobbies, but also should make the contributions to the stability, development and prosperity of the country with the efforts and the responsibilities of the artists. It should be mulled over whether graduates’ outstanding works exhibition should include such kind of paintings to meet the needs of exhibition effects and visual satisfaction. More consideration should be given to the negative impact of some works. Nowadays, pioneer art is in the opposite position with the art commercialization. Art market is the place for the academic school, while the pioneer art is counter to the art market. When we are appreciating the work Exhaustion of Life and Death, we only need attitude of simply viewing without any difficulty for understanding. In the other words, we do not need to use massive knowledge to view it and the work itself loses the penetration and criticalness. Chinese contemporary art is in this vulgarization process without the power and vigor to eliminate it.
Reflecting on the guidance and thoughts of the academic education of fine art, have those professors labeled as the staff of art academies and given the salaries by the country really observed the society life and led the students to create more better art works with positive attitudes? Do not only sit in the offices or studios with spout that it will be creative ideas different from others by using this kind of themes. In my opinion, it is not the right way. The well-known name “China Central Academy of Fine Art” is the word representing the art academy of highest level in China and the dream for all the students devoted to art. If all the graduates are trying to have attracting and creative paintings with thoughtful meanings by novelties, today, any student can buy several pieces of sheepskins and oxhide to form a painting and for exhibition and tomorrow they can also buy several pieces of tiger skin and deerskin placed together with those bloody objects for exhibition. Is that possible for us to raise the question to those famous professors how they are thinking about those works and how those paintings can meet the requirements of examination?
Now those so-called ideological trends of new pioneer artistic and the works by the new artists are highly boosted, which unavoidably have some influence and impact on the academic education, but after all academies are the academic place where the education should be carried on with certain thoughts, guidance and principals . Not only the works with free and unstrained style by the artists following their inclinations but also those works just like city garbage are favored by the public, the respective price of which easily reaches to ten thousands yuan, or million yuan, or even more than ten million yuan. People still scramble for those paintings with the idea that the possession of these kind paintings will testify that they are cultivated and artistically accomplished. It indeed triggers our compassion on them.
As an institution of the art education for undergraduate students, we can not quit our principles to chase the fashion. After all, those undergraduate students are still in the period of ideological development, institutions need a correct direction and guidance. Chairman Mao Zedong stated out the principal that “ art should serve the people” in the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art which certainly includes the paintings. The themes and the thoughts of those paintings directly affect the aesthetic conceptions of the public and have impact on their living and thoughts.
In my opinion, we should have more art works created with positive and progressive content in the art academies, especially for the graduate’s outstanding works exhibition which represents the artistic level and ideological and living experiences of numerous students with four to even seven years study in the regular academy. It plays the important role for the growth and artistic development of those students. However, the reality of the academic school gradually losing the creativity and imagination becomes the main trend in the Chinese art circles, in which the vulgarized aesthetic interests for financial benefit dominate this main trend, while the new advanced art is struggling with its single effort for reflecting the spiritual values and the contradictions at this historical transforming period. All these show a lack of knowledge. Therefore, we are in the sincere hope that those tutors can really assure the growth direction of those young artists, give them the correct ideological guidance of art, and do the work they ought to do for the development of our academy and for the continuity of the academic education.
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